Our References
The firm boasts over 600 client references since its inception in 2003. We operate across all economic sectors, with particularly strong expertise in our five areas of activity
Our 5 key areas of expertise
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Agriculture Food

Culture Media

Digital Economy Telecom

Health Social Protection

Transport, Ecological Energy Transition
All of our references
- 1.08 Recyclage
- 3M
- Abbvie
- Accenture
- Accor
- Accord Healthcare
- Accuray
- ACE Education
- Acojuris
- Adrea Mutuelle
- Advanced medical association
- Aéroport de Paris
- Aéroport de Paris Ingénierie
- AG2R La Mondiale
- Central Agency for Social Security Organizations
- Agency for the Environment and Energy Management
- Agency for Preventive Medicine
- French Standardization Agency
- French Anti-Doping Agency
- National Agency for Radio Frequencies (ANFR)
- National Sports Agency (ANS)
- Air France
- Air Liquide
- Airbnb
- Airbus
- Albarelle
- Alcatel-Lucent
- Allegion
- French Digital Industry Alliance
- Allianz
- Alma consulting
- Alptis
- Alstom Transports
- Amazon France
- Amazon web services
- Analysys Mason
- AOC Côte d’Azur
- Apple France
- Applied Molecular Genetics
- Arc de Triomphe automobiles
- Arcelor Mittal
- Arianespace
- Arjo Wiggins Security
- Arkema
- Arval Mobility Observatory
- Assembly of French Chambers of Commerce and Industry (ACFCI)
- Assistance for the Development of Technological, Economic, and Financial Exchanges (ADETEF)
- Assiteal Formation
- Association for Agricultural Technical Coordination (ACTA)
- Association of Mutual Insurers (AAM)
- Association of Conventional Channels Publishing Services
- Association of Industrial and Modular Constructions
- Association of Film Producers
- Association of Independent Producers
- Association of Contract Research Organizations
- Association of Overseas Television Stations
- French Association of the Water Fountain Industry
- French Association of Brokers and Investment Service Providers
- French Association of Real Estate Investment Companies
- French Association of Town Natural Gas
- French Association for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells
- General Association of Wheat Producers
- General Association of Corn Producers
- National Association of Automotive Training
- National Association of Elected Officials in Charge of Sports
- National Association of Agrifood Industries
- National Association of Pharmaceutical Laboratories for Medical Gases
- National Association of Retail Energy Producers
- National Association of Joint Stock Companies
- Association for the Promotion of Medical Device Innovation
- Sciences Po Association
- Technical Association for Energy and Environment
- Astra
- Astrium
- Aucoffre.com
- Audiens
- Auréa
- Airport Noise Control Authority
- Regulatory Authority for Audiovisual and Digital Communication
- Online Gaming Regulatory Authority
- Avenir transports
- Aventis-Pasteur
- Avril
- Axa
- Baccardi
- Baker McKenzie
- Public Investment Bank
- Bayer Cropscience
- BDF Avocats
- Becton, Dickinson
- beIN Sports France
- Bel
- Biogen
- BMW France
- BNP Paribas
- Bombardier
- Bouygues Telecom
- Brita France
- British American Tobacco
- Buffalo Grill
- Bull
- Bureau de la Radio
- Bureau Veritas
- Burger King
- Business immo
- Cabinet Carnelutti
- Hubert d’Alverny Consulting Firm
- Autonomous Retirement and Provident Fund for Nurses, Physiotherapists, Chiropodists, Speech Therapists, and Orthoptists
- Central Fund of Agricultural Social Mutuality
- Retirement Fund for Chartered Accountants
- Deposit and Consignment Fund
- Interprofessional Fund for Provident and Retirement Insurance for Liberal Professions
- National Retirement Insurance Fund
- National Retirement Insurance Fund for Liberal Professions
- National Delegated Fund for Social Security of Self-Employed Workers
- Retirement Fund for Chartered Accountants and Auditors
- Campbell Gentry
- Canal Plus
- Cargill
- Carrefour
- CDES-Progesport
- European Studies Center of ENA
- Center for Studies and Expertise on Risks, Environment, Mobility, and Planning
- National Center for Thermal Spa Facilities
- National Center for Space Studies
- National Center for Cinema and Animated Images
- National Center for Sports Development
- Technical Center for Provident Institutions
- Cepheid
- Cepheid Consulting
- CFM International
- Castres Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Île-Napoléon
- Seine-et-Marne Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- Le Havre Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- Trade Union of Insurance Brokers
- Trade Union of Automobile and Motorcycle Importers
- Change et collection
- Château d’eau
- Cisco
- CMC Market
- CNP Assurances
- Coca-Cola Entreprise
- COJO Paris 2024
- Colas
- Ethics and Sport Committee
- French Copyright Committee
- National Committee for Shellfish Farming
- French National Olympic and Sports Committee
- French Paralympic and Sports Committee
- Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines Urban Community
- Île Napoléon Community of Communes
- Saltworks Company of the Midi and Eastern Saltworks
- General Stock Exchange Company
- National Gold Exchange
- Confederation of Funeral and Monumental Stone Professionals
- French Confederation of Hardware
- French Confederation of Management – General Confederation of Executives
- General Confederation of SCOPs
- National Confederation of Bakeries
- French Council of Interior Architects
- National Council of Automotive Professions
- French Broadcasting Authority
- Cora
- Cornet Vincent Ségurel Avocats
- Covéa
- Coviva
- Crédit agricole assurances
- CSL Berhing
- Culligan
- Cyrus Média
- Danone
- Dassault Aviation
- De Gaulle Fleurance et associés
- Décathlon
- Degueldre Gestion
- Deliveroo
- Dell
- Deloitte associés
- Deloitte Conseil
- Delsol Avocats
- Derichebourg
- Deutsche Bahn
- Development institute international
- Direct énergie
- European Independent Distributors Union
- Docaposte
- Domaines skiables de France
- Dow France
- Each one
- East Balt
- Ebay
- Eco Emballage
- Central School of Electronics
- Funeral Training School
- National School of Administration
- Graduate School of Business Administration of Angers
- Graduate School of Economic and Commercial Sciences
- Graduate School of International Business
- Edenred
- Educational Testing Service Global
- Egis international
- Electra
- Électricité de France
- Elekta
- Eliance
- Elis
- Elkem Silicones France
- Embecta
- EN3S
- Enedis
- Enercoop
- Énergie d’ici
- Engie
- Ente nazionale idrocarburi
- Enterprise Holding
- Entreprises pour l’environnement
- Eparco
- Epex Spot
- Epoka
- Eramet
- Erganeo
- Esco France
- Essilor
- Loire Public Institution
- Ethicon
- Eurocopter
- EuroDisney
- Euronext
- Europcar Mobility Group
- Eurosport
- Eurostar
- Eutelsat
- Eventeam
- Exterion Media
- Exxon mobil
- Far MG
- Federation of Traditional Budo Karate
- Federation of Beauty
- Federation of Private Hospitals
- Federation of Charcutiers and Caterers
- Federation of Professional Coaches
- Federation of Personal and Local Services Companies
- Federation of Non-Profit Private Hospital and Personal Care Facilities
- Federation of Vehicle Equipment Industries
- Federation of Electrical, Electronic, and Communication Industries
- French Badminton Federation
- French Basketball Federation
- French Federation of Canoe-Kayak and Paddlesport
- French Golf Federation
- French Federation of Insurance
- French Athletics Federation
- French Equestrian Federation
- French Rugby Federation
- French Ski Federation
- French Tennis Federation
- French Table Tennis Federation
- French Teqball Federation
- French Triathlon Federation
- French Volleyball Federation
- French Federation of Physical Education and Voluntary Gymnastics
- French Federation of Mill Preservation Associations
- French Federation of Multi-Sports Clubs
- French Federation of Personal and Local Services
- French Federation of Vintage Vehicles
- French Federation of Carton and Paper Goods
- French Federation of Cyclotourism
- French Football Federation
- French Parachuting Federation
- French Federation of Waterskiing and Wakeboarding
- French Federation of Adapted Sport
- French Federation of University Sport
- Interprofessional Federation of Atmospheric Environment Professions
- National Federation of Architecture, Urban Planning, and Environment Councils
- National Federation of Horse Racing
- National Federation of Film Publishers
- National Federation of Parking Professions
- National Federation of Political Science
- National Federation of Passenger Transport
- French Sports and Cultural Federation
- Fedex
- French Federation of Savate and French Boxing
- French Ice Sports Federation
- Fidal
- Fiducial Médias
- Flixbus
- Insurance Fund for Engineering and Consulting Training
- Foundation for Agriculture and Rurality in the World
- Robert Schuman Foundation
- Foot-unis
- Forex Capital Markets
- Forum AudioVisuel Numérique
- Française des Jeux
- France Brevets
- France Hydroelectricity
- France Media Monde
- France Sport Expertise
- France télévisions
- Freddy Matungulu
- Free Mobile – Iliad
- G3E France
- Gaussin Manugistique
- Gaz européen
- Gaz Réseau Distribution France
- Gemalto
- General Electric
- Générale de Santé
- Generali Sport
- Glaukos
- GlaxoSmithKline
- Global Partner
- Godot Fils Net
- Gold Swiss Service
- Good Technology
- Groupama
- Groupe Agrica
- Groupe IGS
- Groupe IMA – Inter mutuelles assistances
- Groupe NEHS
- Groupe Roullier
- National Association of Restaurants
- Automotive Plastics Group
- Professional Group of Energy Efficiency Certificates
- Public Interest Group for the Modernization of Social Declarations
- High Authority for the Dissemination of Works and the Protection of Rights on the Internet
- Henner
- Huawei
- Hub France IA
- Humanis
- Hyundai
- IBM France
- IG Group
- Immostef
- Imperial Brands
- Innoval
- Catholic Institute of Paris
- Institute of Social Protection
- Institute of Advanced National Defence Studies
- French Institute of Petroleum and New Energies
- Mines-Télécom Institute
- National Audiovisual Institute
- National Institute of Public Service
- National Institute of Sport, Expertise, and Performance
- Higher Institute of Commerce
- International Biocontrol Manufacturers’ Association
- International focus
- International hardware association
- Intervista Law
- Invivo
- Iveco
- Johnson Johnson Medical SAS
- Joubert groupe
- KL Gates
- Keolis
- Kering
- Kindred
- Klesia
- Korian
- Agricultural Cooperation
- La Mutuelle Générale
- La Poste
- Fractionation and Biotechnology Laboratory
- Animal Health Laboratory
- Lada France
- Lafarge – Holcim
- Lafayette Gestion
- Lagardère Unlimited
- Le Point
- Le Puy du Fou
- Leonard
- L’Équipe
- Lifescan
- Professional Football League
- National Basketball League
- Limagrain
- Locales.TV
- L’Oréal
- M6 Thématiques
- Macif
- Maif
- Malakoff Médéric Humanis
- Manpower
- Mazars
- McDonald’s France
- Médiamétrie
- Medtronic
- Merson Bureau de change
- Métro
- Michelin
- Ministry of Defense
- Ministry of Economy and Finance
- Mobilians
- Mobivia
- Moët Hennessy
- Mona Lisa
- French Mutuality
- National Territorial Mutuality
- General Mutual Insurance for Social Affairs
- National Mutual Insurance for Hospital Workers
- Napaqaro
- Nataf Fajgenbaum
- Naval Group
- Nestlé France
- Nestlé Waters
- Netflix
- Nexem
- Nexity
- Next Radio TV
- Next2sun
- Novacarb
- Novartis
- Novartis Animal Health
- Novocure
- Numeum
- Observatory of Corporate Social Responsibility
- Océalliance
- Pharmaceutical Commercial Office
- Oracle
- Orange
- Orange Content
- Orangina Schweppes
- Orano
- European Road Transport Association
- Approved Joint Collection Agency for Liberal Professions
- Oseo
- Osyris
- PACT Conseil
- Pari mutuel urbain
- Employers’ Organization of Côte d’Ivoire
- Employers’ Organization of Mauritania
- Greek Employers’ Organization
- Turkish Employers’ Organization
- Perceva
- Perl
- Pfizer
- Phyteis
- Piaggio
- Place de la formation
- Plastic Omnium
- Policy action
- Préfon
- Première Ligue
- PriceWaterhouseCoopers
- Prisme
- PSA Peugeot Citroën
- Radio France
- Autonomous Parisian Transport System
- Pays de la Loire Region
- Remote gamling association
- Renault
- Renault Trucks
- Reporter Sans Frontières
- Republic Technologies
- Electricity Transmission Network
- Reunica
- Reynaud Oso Seafood Gastronomy
- Rhodia
- Roche SAS
- Rockwool
- Roland Berger
- Safran
- Saint-Gobain
- Salesforce
- Salto
- Samsung
- Sandoz France
- Sanofi-Aventis
- Santen
- SAP France
- Schneider Electric
- Séché Environnement
- Secours catholique
- Securitas France
- Seita
- Sels de France
- Servair
- Sesamlld
- Siemens
- Siemens Mobility
- Multimedia Authors’ Society (SCAM)
- Society of Authors, Composers, and Music Publishers (SACEM)
- French Society of Pediatrics (SFP)
- Société générale
- National Railway Company (SNCF)
- Salt Company of Provence (Société Salinière de Provence)
- Sodexo
- Sodima
- Solocal Groupe
- Solvay
- Solvay Carbonate France
- Sopexa
- Soufflet
- Spadom
- Sports Manager
- Staut Associés
- Storengy
- Suez
- Swiss Life
- Specialized Nutrition Syndicate (SNS)
- Health Press and Publishing Union (SPEPS)
- Lighting Syndicate
- French Pasta Industry Union
- In Vitro Diagnostics Industry Union (formerly SFRL)
- Union of Audiovisual Press Agencies (SAPA)
- Union of Audioprothesists
- Union of Author Directors and Producers
- Union of Insurance and Reinsurance Brokers of Île-de-France
- Union of French Pathologist Doctors
- Union of Independent Producers (SPI)
- Union of Furnished Rental Professionals
- Union of Contact Center Professionals
- Union of Independent Radios (SIRTI)
- Union of Construction and Public Works Recyclers (SR BTP)
- Information Technology Union (STI)
- Intercommunal Union of the Paris Suburbs for Energy and Communication Networks (SIPPEREC)
- Intercommunal Union of Lake Annecy (SILA)
- Intercommunal Funeral Union of the Paris Region (SIFUREP)
- National Union of Outdoor Advertising
- National Union of Television Advertising
- National Union of Physical and Sports Activities
- National Union of Entertainment Entrepreneurs
- National Union of Insulation and Mineral Wool Manufacturers
- National Union of Independent Precious Metal Dealers
- National Union of Agricultural Alcohol Producers
- National Union of Assistance Companies
- Syngenta
- Tagerim
- Technicolor
- Télédiffusion de France
- Télévision française 1
- Tereos
- Thalès
- The Boston Consulting Group
- Thomson
- Tier Mobility France
- Tiktok
- Tilray
- TMS Soft
- TNP Consultants
- Tomra
- Total
- Total spring
- Towercast
- Toyota France
- Trailor ACTM International
- Transdev Group
- UbiFrance
- Unibail Rodamco
- UniFrance Films
- Union for the Collection of Social Security Contributions and Family Benefits
- Union of Advertisers
- Union of National Social Security Funds
- Union of Professional Football Clubs
- Union of Social Economy Enterprises
- Union of French Ports
- Union of Film Producers
- Union of Water Treatment Professionals
- Leisure Vehicle Union
- French Union of Electricity
- French Union of Petroleum Industries
- French Union of Orthoprothesis Specialists
- French Union of Seed Producers
- French Union of Exchange Companies
- National Union of Industrial and Commercial Public Services
- National Union of School Sports
- National Union of Home Care, Support, and Services
- National Union of Family Associations
- National Union of Adapted Enterprises
- National Union of Landscaping Companies
- National Union of Taxi Industries
- National Union of Quarry and Construction Materials Industries
- National Union of Advanced Practice Nurses
- National Union of Aggregate Producers
- National Union of Independent Unions
- National Union of Transport
- National Union of Cold Transport
- Trade Union for Audiovisual Production
- United Parcel Service
- Université Gustave Eiffel
- Valeo
- Vantiva
- Veber Avocats
- Veolia Environnement Europe Services
- Vestas
- Victimes et citoyens
- Vin et société
- Vinci Concessions
- Visa Europe
- Vitse-Devarem
- Vivendi
- Voies navigables de France
- Volkswagen
- Volvo
- Wagener
- Wall street institute
- Warner Bros
- Watercooler Europe
- Wellcom
- Westinghouse
- WH Selfinvest
- Wolter Kluwer France
- XTB France
- Yprema
- Zuffa International