Social Protection Club
A platform for collective reflection on the future of social protection, in response to current economic, legislative, and regulatory developments.
The Social Protection Club’s main objective is to foster a multi-stakeholder dialogue on topics related to social protection, considering the legislative and regulatory agenda. The club meets four to five times a year in the form of debate dinners, attended by 40 to 50 participants, including public officials (mainly parliamentarians, but also members of the administration and ministerial offices, and public bodies) and sector actors (funds, mutuals, insurers, brokers, trade unions, etc.). These meetings contribute to collective reflection on the future of the French social protection system, facilitating the exchange of information, experiences, and viewpoints.
Members of the club include: Afnor Groupe, Agence du numérique en santé, Allianz, Audiens, CNAV, CNP Assurances, Covéa, CTIP, DELSOL Avocats, EN3S, the French Federation of Insurance (FFA), the Federation of Personal and Proximity Services (FEDESAP), the Federation of Private Solidarity Healthcare and Social Care Institutions (FEHAP), the Federation of Private Employers of France (Fepem), GIP-Modernisation des déclarations sociales, Groupama, Henner, Klésia, Korian, MACIF, the National Mutual Insurance of Hospital Workers (MNH), the Agricultural Social Mutuality (MSA), French Mutuality, Nexem, OCIRP, Catholic Relief Services, UCANSS, UNSAF, UNEA, UNSA, and the VYV Group.
Established in 2013 under the name ‘Parliamentary Club of Social Protection,’ the club is co-presided by
Deputy of Rhône (MoDem)
Stéphane VIRY,
Deputy of Vosges (Les Républicains)
The club’s operations comply with the provisions of the Sapin II law regarding interest representatives and the ethical guidelines set by parliamentary institutions: pluralism of support, transparency of funding, equity among members, and freedom of speech not conditioned by funding, etc. In this regard, the club’s operations strictly adhere to the recommendations made by the High Authority for Transparency in Public Life (HATVP), the Ethics Officer of the National Assembly, and the Parliamentary Ethics Committee of the Senate.
Learn more about the firm’s ethics.