Created in 2013, under the name “Social Protection “, the club is co-chaired by:

  • Cyrille ISAAC-SIBILLE, MP of Rhône (MoDem) ;
  • Stéphane VIRY, MP of Vosges (Les Républicains).

A platform for collective reflection on the future of social protection, in response to current economic, legislative and regulatory developments


The main objective of the Social Protection Club is to promote a multi-stakeholder dialogue on social protection issues, in the light of the legislative and regulatory agenda. The club meets four to five times a year, in the form of dinner debates attended by between 40 and 50 people, public officials (mainly parliamentarians, but also members of the administration and ministerial cabinets, public bodies) and stakeholders in the sector (insurers, brokers, trade unions, etc.). These debates contribute to the collective reflection on the future of the French social protection system, by allowing the exchange of information, experiences and points of view.


Members of the club:  AG2R La Mondiale, l’ACOSS, Audiens, le CTIP, la CFE-CGC, la Cavec, la CNAV, la CNAVPL, la CIPAV, la CSCA, Crédit Agricole Assurances, Covéa,la Fédération française de l’Assurance (FFA), Groupama, Henner, Klésia, la MACIF, la Mutuelle nationale territoriale (MNT), la Mutualité française, la Sécurité sociale des indépendants (ancien RSI), SwissLife, l’UCANSS et l’URSSAF Ile-de-France


Code of conduct

The club’s operations comply with the provisions of the Sapin II law relating to interest representatives and the rules of professional ethics defined by parliamentary institutions: pluralism of support, transparency of funding, equity between members, speaking out not conditioned by funding, etc. As such, the club’s operations strictly comply with the recommendations made by the High Authority for the Transparency of Public Life (HATVP), the Ethics Officer of the National Assembly and the Senate’s Committee on Parliamentary Ethics.


Find out more about the firm’s code of conduct.